Get The Scoop On Jen And Justin’s Wedding!

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By now the entire online community knows that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux tied the knot last week, but the secrecy surrounding their ceremony kept everyone guessing what the celebration of their nuptials actually looked like.
More details have been provided by couple’s close friend Howard Stern, who was asked by Justin to give a toast at the ceremony.
“I got up and immediately started bitching about having to give up my cellphone. I was outraged. I said, ‘I don’t want to take a picture of you guys, why can’t I have a cellphone?’”
Stern also shared that Jimmy Kimmel officiated the star-studding wedding.
“Jimmy was, like, the preacher. He did a beautiful job. I didn’t think he’d get through it — he’s still depressed about that lion getting killed over in Africa.”
Surprisingly, Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow were the only “Friends” invited to Aniston’s wedding. Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry extended their congratulations despite the fact they didn’t make the cut, while there is still no word on David Schwimmer.
Jen and Justin’s honeymoon is set for Bora Bora and they are reportedly bringing 67 of their guests along.