Amber Heard Claims Johnny Depp Is Dragging Out Divorce: ‘It’s A Means Of Punishing Me’

Photo credit: Bigstock

Photo credit: Bigstock

Amber Heard has accused “mean-spirited” Johnny Depp of punishing her by deliberately delaying their divorce proceedings.

The couple split up last year but their public dispute over the legal particularities of their divorce is still on going. Although the couple settled their divorce back in August, Amber Heard claims that Johnny Depp has not lived up to his obligation to her under the settlement and is intentionally dragging out the court case.

Amber`s attorney says that Mr. Depp`s prolongation is nothing more than a way to perpetuate his feud with Heard and is a waste of Courts resources.

I Want My Life Back

The actress, who previously accused her husband for domestic violence, now officially requested for the legal process to be sped up.

The divorce had been settled in August, when Johnny agreed to a $7 million settlement, which Amber requested be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union and Children’s Hospital Of Los Angeles.

However, last week Amber’s legal team filed a Request For Order with the Los Angeles Superior Court in hopes of imposing the settlement and expediting Johnny’s payment.

Her team claims the actor had not complied with the court-allocated timeline of various mandates, including the division of personal property, shipping her belongings from his private island in the Bahamas, transferring a Range Rover into Amber’s name…

“I want my life back. I want to be divorced from Johnny now”, said Heard. It sure sounds like Amber is putting her donations to American Civil Liberties Union and Children’s Hospital Of Los Angeles first, right?

Grabbing The Media Attention

Although Depp has been rather silent about the whole shebang, he did imply that the previously mentioned Request for Order is unnecessary unless it suited the purposes of grabbing the media attention.

However, Amber still claims she filed the request only because she wants to get over with this ordeal as soon as possible.

“I have been committed to a quick resolution of this matter so that I can be divorced from (Depp),” Amber said.

What do you think are her main goals here? Donations? Money? Freedom? Or media attention?

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