Top 10 Most Low-Profile Celebrity Relationships

Photo credit: Image Collect

Photo credit: Image Collect

3. Denzel & Pauletta Washington

Denzel Washington is living proof that a rise to fame doesn’t have to be embellished by scandals, flings, and a dozen of different life partners.

He may not look it, but good, ol’ Denzel is actually 61 years old, while his marriage to Pauletta Washington is a 32-year-old one. He’s been married for half of his life, yet we know so little about their private moments!

Of course, working in Hollywood comes along with rumors, but these two never let any of them shake their relationship.

In Pauletta’s words: “For me, the ‘love’ in the love story is how you come through the trials. The passion, the lust — that’s easy. The love story is how you come out in love after hardship.”

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