Michael Phelps And Fiancée Expecting First Child

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In 2016, Phelps will face the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and fatherhood, which will certainly be a new terrain for the 30-year-old champion.
Fiancée Nicole Johnson, whom Phelps dated on and off for eight years before finally announcing their engagement in February, and Michael are thrilled with the news.
We found out 8 weeks ago we were expecting,” Phelps captioned a photo of him and Nicole on Instagram. “Today we’re over 12 weeks and it looks like we’re having a boy!!! #babymp #mp #lifeabouttochange #mpswim @djnolan5.“
After Phelps announced he would compete at the 2016 Olympics in April, he also added that their wedding would take place after the Games.
“I said to a couple of my friends if I ever had a chance to get her back, that would be it,” he said. “She was the one that I loved the most. I never wanted to have a what if, and I told her exactly how I felt.”