15 Of Hollywood’s Most Beautiful Couples

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Hollywood is a place that is full of incredibly beautiful people. So when those people decide to start seeing each other is is hard for the rest of the world not to look on in awe as they flaunt their love all over the tabloids. We love everything about them from their matching tattoos to their adoptive dogs and gorgeous children. They also have a way of making us envious of their hot dates, awesome vacations and undeniably sexy makeout sessions.
These 15 celebrity couples are some of our favorite in Hollywood at the moment and definitely some of the most beautiful people on earth.
1) Victoria and David Beckham
The former Spice Girl has been one of our favorite hotties since she hit the scene in the early 90’s and her soccer star husband is known as one of the most beautiful people in the world. They pair began dating in 1997 when they met after one of David’s football matches. From there the relationship between the 2 beautiful Brits caused a media frenzy in the UK and across the pond here in the US.
They were engaged by 1998 and wed one year later in an extravagant ceremony at a castle in Ireland.
It’s nearly 15 years later now and the Beckhams star power has only gotten bigger and better. David has become one of the biggest soccer starts in the world and Victoria has moved on from her Spice Girls days to be a successful fashion mogul. The pair, along with their 3 strapping young sons and little princess Harper, are one of the most powerful and influential celebrity families in all of the world.
We love them for their style, shameless love of the spotlight and their obvious love and passion for each other even after all these years.