15 Celebs Who Have Aged Terribly

Photo credit:   Gettyimages &   Wikipedia

Photo credit: Gettyimages & Wikipedia

14) Mel Gibson

Oh, Mel, you’ve gone so wrong. Once one of Hollywood’s hottest leading men, Mel Gibson struck it big with the dystopian film, Mad Max. A series of hit films such as Mrs. Soffel, the Lethal Weapon series, and Air America turned him from a serious actor into a bona fide star. Women (and not a few men) drooled over Gibson’s intense blue eyes and blinding perfect teeth, and his charming crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes gave him just the touch of manhood that kept him from being considered a pretty boy.

Mel held it together throughout the twentieth century, but he’s begun to go downhill fast in the last decade or so. His drunken escapades with police and online are just the beginning of this mess. The once perfectly-styled hair is now a graying mess slicked back, more often than not, with grease from needing a good shampoo. His eyebrows are sinking and the wrinkles are taking over his face. And those eyes. No longer the stuff of dreams, more often than not they’re being flashed in a drunken rant, a move which should earn him the nickname of “Old Crazy Eyes.”

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