23 Sexiest Celebrities With Ugly Significant Others

 Photo credit:  Prphotos

Photo credit: Prphotos

7. Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend

It’s hard to imagine what attracts the voluminous redhead to the gangly dweeb.

While the bombshell stars in the hit Mad Men, her goofy hubby is best known for his roles in Super Troopers and (500) Days of Summer.

Hendricks and Arend started dating in 2007 after being introduced by a fellow Mad Men star.

To make this mismatched love story even more odd, she chased him, using a pretense to get his phone number, making the first moves and even saying the L-word first. Hendricks, who says she fell in love with him immediately, even admits to scaring him on their first date by telling him she wanted to start a family with him.

Despite coming on too strong, the odd couple married in 2009 in a New York ceremony. Today, she says she is even more intrigued and attracted to him then when they met. She even enjoys getting dressed up for him and says she refuses to wear sweatpants because she just can’t do that to him so early in the marriage.

However, despite her first-date prophecies, they haven’t gotten around to starting a family yet.

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