12 Worst Hollywood Lovers

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Photo credit: Gettyimages

8) Bradley Cooper

With his piercing blue eyes and blinding smile, Bradley Cooper has been making women squirm in anticipation since he first appeared on television on Alias and Jack & Bobby. He’s played in a long string of great movies, including Silver Linings Playbook, The Hangover, and American Hustle, and was named People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2011.

Bradley Cooper doesn’t drink, and claims not to have touched a drop since he was 29, so that’s no excuse for his bedroom behavior that has turned off so many partners. According to sources, Cooper is dull and boring, sticking with the most basic positions. His one “romantic” trick, which he apparently uses on every woman he beds, is to spend the whole evening speaking in French. Apparently he thinks it’s sexy and romantic, but one woman claimed that it was like making love with Pepe le Pew.

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