22 Celebrities Who Practice Open Relationships

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Photo credit: Gettyimages

18. Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson

While Kate Hudson’s mother has made headlines before about her belief in open marriages, it was Kate’s biological father who alleged that she wanted an open marriage.

He claimed that she wanted to fool around with other celebrities, a desire that led to her divorce from Chris Robinson.

Father and daughter have been estranged for years so that comment has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Robinson, known for his illicit drug use and party lifestyle, doesn’t exactly seem like fabulous husband material. Hudson, though she played one, isn’t really the groupie type in real life.

The couple has one son together and, by many accounts, they appear to be great friends now and enjoying raising their son together.

Hudson has been linked to various men since her divorce. It’s uncertain if she will be enjoying an open relationship in her subsequent romances. She does seem like a hard girl to pin down though.

In 2009, Robinson remarried and now has a daughter with his third wife. Hudson was his second. Hopefully the third time’s the charm. There are also no reports if his third marriage is an open arrangement. He’s playing close to the vest this time around; at least no estranged father-in-laws are spilling any beans about the goings on in his marriage.

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