10 Celebrities That are Apparently Really Good in Bed

Photo credit: Gettyimages

Photo credit: Gettyimages

4. Paris Hilton

To any of you who are in doubt about this next selection, have no fear: you can go online and verify the information yourself.

Seriously, there’s a video. As if you could cruise the internet in this day-and-age without knowing about the Paris Hilton sex-tape though.

And that right there is why she deserves to make the list. Paris Hilton made a sex-video back before it apparently became cool to do.

Sure, she pioneered the market for “stars-who-are-famous-for-being-famous” with the video, but hey it isn’t like that was the targeted outcome….

In any case, the simple existence of the video alone means that she should be on this list. The fact that someone, somewhere thought the sex was so good they should record it for future reference, AND the fact that it is still one of the most highly downloaded videos of its kind on the net, solidifies her place in the top 10.

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