15 Celebs Who Waited For Their Wedding Night

Photo credit: Image Collect

Photo credit: Image Collect

3. Jessica White

The stunning model and occasional actress, Jessica White, is still sticking to her decision of celibacy.

The Sports Illustrated model may not be planning on waiting until marriage, but she won’t sleep around, either.

White said that she will only get intimate with someone after she’s certain that the person was sent to her for a reason: “Women nowadays, we connect physically too soon without actually getting to know the person … I thought to myself, you know what, the next man that I give my body to will be the man that God brought into my life. I’m keeping my power to myself and my glow. I’m not giving anybody my glow anymore.”

It is rumored that Jessica is currently dating Nick Cannon, TV host and Mariah Carey’s ex-husband.

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