15 Celebrities With Shockingly Tragic Pasts

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Photo credit: Gettyimages

15. Keanu Reeves

Keanu is certainly one extremely successful actor, but his life is no fairytale.

His mother was a showgirl and his father abandoned him while he barely knew how to walk.

This provided quite an unstable environment for young Keanu and he changed five different high schools in just four years, which resulted in him never finishing high school and attaining a degree.

However, life didn’t treat him well even after he became a success. Back in 1993, he lost his best friend River Phoenix to a drug overdose. Keanu had to face another loss in January 2000, when he and his girlfriend at the time, Jennifer Syme, had a stillborn daughter, Ava. Merely one year has passed when Jennifer lost control of her car, crashed and died instantly in a devastating automobile accident.

“Grief changes shape, but it never ends,” Reeves told Parade once. “People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, ‘It’s gone, and I’m better.’ They’re wrong.”

“When the people you love are gone, you’re alone, I miss being a part of their lives and them being part of mine. I wonder what the present would be like if they were here – what we might have done together. I miss all the great things that will never be.”

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