Sofia Vergara Breaks Silence About Nick Loeb’s Lawsuit Over Frozen Embryos

Photo credit: Image Collect

Photo credit: Image Collect

The Columbian born actress has finally addressed the public Sofia Vergara about her former fiancé Nick Loeb’s lawsuit and fight to use the embryos they created and froze while they were still an item.

The lawsuit makes no sense. A child needs a loving relationship of parents that get along, that don’t hate each other,” Sofia said during an interview with Howard Stern on Monday.

“I don’t hate him but obviously he has a problem. A kid needs parents. I wouldn’t want to bring kids to the world where it’s already set against them. It would be so selfish.”

Nick recently wrote an op-ed for the New York Times, saying he’s planning to gain control of two frozen embryos the couple created before their break-up in May 2014. He stated that he wants to implant them in a surrogate and become a single father.

Too Long, Didn’t Read

“Modern Family” star also confirmed that she had not even read Nick’s op-ed, saying that her publicist had advised her not to since “it makes no sense.”

To make matters worse, Nick’s plans would apparently violate contracts the former couple had signed upon their split and Sofia also points out that he cannot simply change his mind all of a sudden.

“You sign papers. If it was so serious for him, this issue, which I totally respect because it’s serious, then you should’ve taken it more seriously at the time,” she said and added: “And now you want to change your mind? You have to follow what you sign.”

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